TNEA Cutoff Mark Calculation – Tamil Nadu Engineering Cut Off Calculator – How to Calculate Cut off marks for TNEA Admissions – Daniel Hub Academy
How to Calculate Cut off marks for TNEA Admissions

Cutoff marks are calculated by converting the Maths marks to 100, Chemistry marks to 50, Physics marks to 50 and then adding them up. The cutoff total marks will be a maximum of 200. It is based on this cutoff TNEA publishes rank list of students and sets the order in which students apply for Tamilnadu Engineering Admissions. TNEA Engineering Admissions Cutoff Marks are calculated using the formula given below. You can also calculate your Cutoff Marks using the calculator below.
Minimum mark required for a person to enter into a college, course etc., is called cut off mark. In Tamil Nadu, the 12th cut off score to enter an engineering college is calculated based on your scores of mathematics, physics and chemistry.
Cutoff Mark (For 200) = (Mathematics) + (Physics/2) + (Chemistry/2)
Lot of students want to know how to calculate the cutoff marks. Its actually very simple. If you want to know how to calculate the cutoff marks for engineering admissions continue to read below where we have explained with an example.
Cutoff Mark (For 200) = (Mathematics) + (Physics/2) + (Chemistry/2)
This formula to calculate cutoff is valid for those students who wrote their +2 exams after 2019, when total marks was 600
For example, a student scored the below marks in plus 2 examination
Mathematics – 80, Physics – 86 and Chemistry – 78
Cutoff Mark = (80) + (86/2) + (78/2) = 80 + 43 + 39 = 162
Previously Stateboard total marks were out off 1200, hence the calculation of cutoff was different.
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